(Updated: July 1, 2014)

Riverview is equipped with the capability to allow students to access internet services on personally owned electronic devices—i.e. lap-top computers, E-readers, iPads, iPods, cell phones, etc. Students have the privilege of utilizing these electronic devices in the classroom as long as they are used for “educational purposes” as specified and approved by the classroom teacher. These electronic devices may also be used by students before and after school and during lunch and pass time. Students are responsible to comply with the Acceptable Use Policy guidelines when utilizing personal electronic devices at the school. (PS 405) Disciplinary measures and/or law enforcement referral will be enforced when students use these devices inappropriately in the school environment.

Students shall be personally and solely responsible for the security of electronic devices brought to school. The school shall not investigate nor assume responsibility for theft, loss, damage, or unauthorized calls made with an electronic device. (PS 417.2)

Prohibitions on Electronic Device Use
Cell phones and other electronic devices may not be used outside the classroom during instructional time without the consent of the classroom teacher. Office telephones are available throughout the school day for students who need to call parents. Parents may also contact students through the office. Students must obtain a hall pass to use the office telephone.

Cell phones, cameras, or any device used in a way which compromises personal privacy, such as in a locker room and/or bathroom are prohibited. The violation of one’s privacy in such a manner will result in school and/or district consequences, and possibly a law enforcement referral. (PS 417.2) Electronic devices shall not be used in a way that threatens, humiliates, harasses, or intimidates school-related individuals, including students, employees, and visitors, or violates local, state, or federal law. Any use in this manner will result in school and/or district consequences, and possibly a law enforcement referral.

Electronic devices may not be used during Utah Performance Assessment System for Students assessments unless specifically allowed by law, student IEP, or assessment directions. Electronic devices used for cheating will result in a 0 grade and additional school consequences, which may include suspension, as well as academic and citizenship consequences.

Students violating the cell phone and electronic device policy will have their device confiscated and a parent/guardian may be required to come to the school to retrieve the device.